D3 Attends CSDI 2024 in Berlin

D3’s Principal Survey Statistician Timothy Van Blarcom, Research Analyst Brina Malchowski, and Research Analyst Libby Seremet attended the Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI) Workshop last month in Berlin. This annual workshop of expert survey practitioners discusses emerging survey methods, best practices and guidelines, and interesting case studies and survey results for multinational, multiregional, and multicultural survey research. This year’s workshop was hosted by the SHARE BERLIN Institute in Berlin Germany with dozens of attendees from various governments, non-profits, and private industry all engaged in high-quality survey research.

Research Analyst Libby Seremet gave her presentation “Fieldwork Challenges in LMICs: Case Studies from Southeast Asia” during the workshop to discuss a variety of real-world examples of conducting surveys in challenging environments. The presentation included examples of geosampling for nomadic populations and non-permanent dwellings in Mongolia, conducting survey research during social unrest and protests in Sri Lanka during the Aragalaya, and tailoring questionnaires with sensitive topics through government interventions in Vietnam. Co-authors Elizabeth Weatherly and Timothy Van Blarcom contributed to this presentation and will give an updated version at WAPOR 2024 in Seoul later this year.

D3 would like to thank the CSDI Executive Committee and SHARE BERLIN Institute for organizing and hosting such a productive workshop. We look forward to continued collaboration on the Cross-Cultural Survey Guidelines (CCSG (umich.edu)) and sharing our research in the years to come.