D3 Presents: Hard to Reach Is Our Reach

On Tuesday, October 13th, 2015, D3’s Vice President, Matthew Warshaw, will join a panel discussion, Survey Research in Developing Countries: Adapting to Culture and Geography, hosted by NYAAPOR (New York Chapter of the American Association of Public Opinion Research).

Warshaw will discuss the challenges of setting up research projects in austere environments around the globe. With examples from Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq, and Mauritania, he will discuss how D3 approaches obstacles related to translation, field team development and management, quality control, and data processing. He will also present an example of using innovative electronic data capture techniques in Mauritania, showing that even in the most difficult of locations, it is possible to achieve methodological rigor in your research projects.

The panel, moderated by Barry Feinberg, President of BMF Research and Consulting, will also include presentations from Edison Research and NY Medical College.

Who: Social Scientists, Evaluators, Polling Experts
What: Panel about survey research in developing countries
Where: Hunter College, 68th St. & Lexington Ave, SW corner – 8th Floor
When: Tuesday, October 13th, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Why: D3 will present cross-national research, demonstrating why hard to reach is our reach.

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